Hajj Journey… Again

We have been walking for years. I am exhausted. Not to mention the work load has not been cut down at all. We keep on leaving Mecca, only to return as soon as the lunar calendar was at its peak, the days that god is closest spiritually to the earth. When we got to Mecca again, we went through the same rituals. We always circle around the Kaaba, a giant, square prism at the center of Mecca, 7 times as a ritual to god. I do not even know why we do these things. I do not believe in god, along with some other slaves I know. We were told the story of Ishmael, son of prophet Ibrahim. It confuses me. Incase one have not heard it, I will tell it. It started when Ishmael, his wife, and Ibrahim were stranded in the desert. They were very near death because they had no water. Ishmael realized this and decided to take action. He ran back and forth the hills of Safa and Marwa. looking for a fresh water source. He could not find any. The angel Gabriel saw this and with his hand created an everlasting fresh water source for people to enjoy. A monument was built at the site of the spring and kaaba is now the rite of passage, and spiritual center for the world. Many rituals and prayers are said there by many.

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